Going to the beach for the day and want to do some exploring? Want to know how sea stars eat?Curious about the lives of hermit crabs, sea lions, or pelicans?
Thisgrab-and-go field resource focuses on the amazing creatures and plants along the Pacific Coast. Filled with color photos and fascinating facts, the bookis divided into three sections: tide pools, shoreline, and shorebirds. Each section offers details on a range of wildlifeand other coastal treasures.
Readers will be amazed at the fascinating life andbizarre phenomenathey may have been missing along the shore. Clone wars, poisonous algae blooms, and glow-in-the dark spectacles are all happening right here along the Pacific Coast. Even the quietest beaches and rocky shorelines have secrets to discover if you know where and how to look.
This beautiful and informative guidebook is perfect for aspiring young (or young at heart) naturalists and families who love to explore coastal beaches.
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